Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Two posts in one day...I'm wild! :)

I found this website today that I can make a wishlist for the baby. The wishlist can consist of items from any website you want. I thought I'd share it with everyone for two reasons...

1. I'll use it as our registry
2. It's a cool site that you should use for yourselves so I know what to buy you for your birthday, Christmas, etc.

I'm using this site to list items that we would like to get that are also eco-friendly. I'm sure we'll end up registering at Babies-R-Us or something as well, but these are the "smarter" items that we would like purchase for Baby Z.

Here's the link:
Em and Cory's Registry for Baby Z

Third OB appointment

I am 13 weeks and 4 days along and today was my third OB appointment. Cory is working in the Boston area and was not able to join me at this appointment. My friend, Katy, went with me though, and I was so glad to have her there. The doctor said that all my blood work came back "perfect". He used the doppler and I heard the heartbeat for the first time! I then asked if I could record it on my phone so I could send it to Cory. I am going to try to post it here so you can listen as well, just don't know if it will work. The first 17 seconds are him saying that I am in the 13th week and that it is the 8th of July, then he looks for the heartbeat. 17 seconds to the end is a good heartbeat...actually, I think its the best heartbeat ever! :)
So...click below if you want to hear (after you click on the link, you click the download button on the right side of the page, then the audio clip should just open up)...
Baby Z's heartbeat