Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Look what I did...

I'm reading The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy and in it, it says, "DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR OFF WHEN YOU ARE PREGNANT!" It's even in big letters like that. Well...I didn't listen. Look at what I did...

I learned a few things during this experience...
#1 The hair on the right side of the head grows faster than the left...from the Left side I donated 12 inches of hair to Locks of Love and from the right, 13 inches.
#2 One side of my hair flips out while the other naturally curls under
#3 Washing short hair you need a lot less shampoo


TJOsMommy said...

it looks AWESOME!!!!!! I love it :) I never thought I would like short hair on myself, but it seems every time i go to get it cut it gets shorter! Welcome to the short hair club! :)

Xander and Alana (but mostly Alana) said...

It looks cute! Why do they say not to cut your hair? Do they assume that you can't make any good decisions while you are pregnant because you might be HORMONAL? Geez. It's summer, it's hot, and it looks great!

Em said...

Yeah...because of hormones and the possibility of your face widening...not very good reasons. Plus I got to donate 13 inches of hair to Locks of Love!

Su said...

Em, the haircut looks great. It's so cute on you!

Shannon O'Brien said...

Emily! Your hair looks great!
