Monday, December 29, 2008


I am getting sooo impatient.  Where is Baby Z?!?

I still love being pregnant and will miss it.  If I knew I had 2 months left, I'd be fine, but since I know Baby Z could come anytime now, it is driving me crazy!!!  I don't want to wait anymore!  Grrrr....


Xander and Alana (but mostly Alana) said...

Yeah, seriously Baby Z. Everyone is waiting! Besides, don't you want your parents to have a nice tax break for 2008? Come on out! It's the least you can do!

Em said...

Only about 13.5 hours left til the new year...come on tax break...I mean Baby Z. Haha, JK- I'm sure he/she will come when he/she is ready. :)