I love being pregnant! Don't get me wrong, it has it's downsides, but the good parts FAR outweigh the bad! I might even say I don't even mind the bad parts. I love how people are so nice to pregnant people...it's too bad though that people aren't more like this all the time. I've noticed that people are more likely to talk to you when you're pregnant- and their voices are usually higher than normal. Strange, but entertaining...and I like it. :) Also, it's hilarious to see people look at my belly first then my face.
On a separate note, I think Cory is experiencing some of the symptoms of pregnancy as well.
Here is a picture that demonstrates what I'm talking about...

That's adorable. Missing you both!
LOL! Cutest picture ever!!!
Cory, I had no idea! When are you due?! It looks like any day now!
Hehe...very cute! He almost looks more pregnant than you! :) And you look GREAT, by the way!!
Hehe, thanks! I think he's coming up on his last couple weeks...I still have my whole last trimester left. :)
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