Again, it's been a while...
Griffin is growing so much! We went to his 2 month appointment last Monday and he weighted 11 lbs 10 oz and was 24.25 inches long. He's grown almost 5 inches since he was born...crazy!
At this appointment, he also got 4 shots and an oral vaccine. I don't think he felt too well after these, as he was not a happy camper for a couple days after. Poor guy. He's doing a lot better now though and is sleeping really well too. Last week there was a night he slept 8 hours straight! Unfortunately I had a hard time sleeping then. I woke up after 2 hours and was up for 4 hours, then back down for another hour and a half. How is a 2.5 month old sleeping better than I am?!? I guess I won't complain too much...hopefully he'll keep this up and I'll train myself to be a better sleeper. :)
More updates:
Griff rolled over today for the first...second, and third time.
He was in his first parade on Sunday.
He's outgrowing most of his clothes.
He's smiling and responding to people more and more.
We started going to a "Play Together, Learn Together" group last week. First class didn't go so well, but second went a lot better.
And as far as internship, we're moving to Tacoma, Washington! One corner of the country to the other...crazy!
And now for some pictures...

1 comment:
I'm glad you're back to posting. We missed you and the photos of the Zimpup.
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